Deposition Summary Services
Deposition transcripts at times range more than hundreds and thousands of pages. The litigation attorneys are required to meticulously go through these long transcripts of testimony, looking for key points of the case and prepare digests of the testimony. This is an essential part of discovery process of any case but is also tiresome, time-consuming and painstaking. That’s why it makes complete sense to outsource the summarization of the deposition testimony into an accurate and concise summary that can save hours of attorneys’ time and thousands of dollars in legal fees.
At LTV, we have a dedicated team of deposition summary services professionals comprising of experienced law graduates and trained paralegal staff with a decent understanding of law, great English comprehension and writing skills and acumen for analyzing key information. They can help you with reviewing depositions and prepare relevant, accurate and concise summaries formatted to your custom deposition summary services needs.
The deposition summary prepared by LTV’s team would include the following desired points:
- Analysis of key focus areas of the case
- Accurate listing and identification dates, figures, names, locations, witnesses and exhibits
- Fact-finding
- Record of key events and actions
- Pre-trial testimony review and witness preparation
- Determination of damages
All our deposition summaries are page-line summaries drafted out of deposition transcript in its original order with relevant page-line references ensuring none of the relevant information or facts are missed out. To ensure that our deposition summaries are crisp and concise, we always try and adhere to the transcript to deposition summary ratio of approximately 10:1 pages. In order to achieve highest quality levels, we assign a project manager to each client whose responsibilities besides team supervision include comprehensive quality control comprising of copy editing and consistency of final delivery format. He would also ensure that we always meet the agreed turnaround time requirements of our clients.
Tired of having your attorneys spending vital time and cost on flipping through through extended deposition transcripts? LTV’s deposition summary service can come to your aid.
Our deposition summary services team has the ability to timely and accurately deliver reliable and crisp deposition summaries including but not limited to the following litigation areas: Personal injury, motor vehicle/bike/truck accidents, bug bites, slip and fall incidents, medical malpractice/negligence, mass tort, workers compensation, breach of contract, wrongful termination, etc.
Why outsource deposition summary services to LTV:
- Assurance of meeting clients’ expectations in terms of quality and consistency
- Experienced team comprising of lawyers and well trained and skilled paralegals.
- Deep domain knowledge and excellent structured English writing, strong logic and analytical skills
- Adapting a custom summary format as per clients’ need
- 50% – 70% cost saving compared to in-house summarization cost
- Ability to adhere to clients’ turnaround requirements
- Capacity to handle high volumes with quick turnaround
Please allow us to assist you with preparing thorough, well written deposition summaries and thus in turn help you save cost and concentrate on the key issues in your trial. Please write to us at [email protected] for more details.