Legal Coding and Indexing Services
A legal trial may involve a few to many thousand pages of unorganized data spread across various types of documents. In order to ensure easy retrieval, searchability and review, these documents require proper arrangement and handling. Your in-house resources may be spending hours of efforts and good many dollars in carrying out this unavoidable yet essential task. This is where the expert team of legal coders at LTV can come to your aid. LTV’s legal coding and indexing services are focused on helping legal firms to optimize their operational efficiency by coding and indexing these unorganized legal documents so that they can be organized electronically, and can be easily arranged, retrieved, and reviewed.
Outsourcing the routine legal coding and indexing tasks to LTV, besides resulting in great savings, would also help you derive better operational efficiency, increased flexibility amongst in-house team, and focus on more critical tasks.
Our team is well experienced and familiar with legal terminology and documentation to be able execute a legal coding and indexing project customized as per your specific requirements. After initial leaning on your customized requirement, our coders can help in sorting, indexing organizing all types of legal documents — e-mails, faxes, letters, memos, contracts, and depositions etc. and ensuring their hassle-free retrieval when and where required.
Our comprehensive legal coding services include:
Objective Coding
Objective legal coding requires our skilled coders thoroughly reviewing all the documents and preparing a logical index that includes the objective data points about each document. This results in faster search and retrieval of the relevant documents when needed. Objective coding fields generally include:
- Document type
- Title
- Document Date
- Author(s)
- Recipient(s)
- Bates range
- Page numbers
- Box number
- Source
Subjective Coding
While most of the legal coding requirements would be based on standard bibliographic fields, other may require a subjective interpretation of documents, rather than the verbatim capture of words or terms. Subject coding services require detailed review and analysis of the documents followed by custom data capture and summarization. Our team of highly trained coders has expertise in retrieving and interpreting pertinent information from deep within the text of documents and thus creating a subjective title, a comprehensive summary or relevance analysis based on the specified criteria.
Logical Document Determination (LDD)
Logical document determination requires our coder to meticulously inspect the legal documents and sort them in systematically organized form. This involves identifying logical document boundaries and their attachment ranges by thoroughly inspecting document characteristics. All the relevant documents are bundled together in a chronological order for efficient information reference and retrieval.
Bates Numbering and Labeling
During the discovery stage or while preparing for a trial, the large number of litigation documents necessitate identifiable markings for quick reference and retrieval of the information contained in them. For this we perform bate stamping by providing them sequential numbers in the desired numeric or alpha numeric formats.
Irrespective of how voluminous your documentation is, we can assist you with accurate and reliable coding and indexing solutions and help you save significant data discovery cost.
To learn more about our legal coding and indexing services, please email at [email protected]. Do ask for a Free Trial!